суботу, 30 листопада 2013 р.

How Euromaidan was violently devastated by militia (part 2 - photos) in November, 30

Polish Radio reported:
"The police beat everyone who was then on Maidan. They beat even those who were lying on the ground "- said one Polish person who was beaten.

As the correspondent of the Polish Radio Piotr Pohozhelsky , the militia beat and kick even those who fell.
One of the victims of the Poles - the director of the regional department of Polish Corporation Yatsek Zabrodsky  , said: " Special Forces ran after me and shouted that I am foreigner ... And then started to beat me with rubber batons on the head and back."

Yatsek Zabrodsky on photo

According to Polish Radio, Zabrodsky was hospitalized with a serious head injury. "I started bleeding badly. All of my face was bathed with blood. Emergency medics said that it was necessary to sew up the wound because it was big and wide. But I want to accuse the militia of beating me,"- said Zabrodsky.
The second Polish victim was a journalist from the internet portal «Eastbook», Tomas Pehal. He contacted Mary Pshelomyets of 'Studio East' on Polish television directly after the events. According to the victim, cell phones of people gathered on the square stopped working about 03.00 and then suddenly appeared a car with elements of a Christmas tree, who tried to go into the crowd. People began to protest and then without any warning they were attacked by militia special forces 'Berkut'.
As Mr Pehal reported, the militia tightly surrounded the demonstrators. The only way to get out of the area was by 'running the gauntlet' of militiamen who brutally battered people.

Mrs Lybomyra Hoptiy's hand was broken by a baton wielded by a militiaman who saw how this old woman tried to defend young students.

Iryna Kotsyubynska said: "Now on the web is a shared photo: I'm lying on the pavement and militiaman 'Berkut' are leaning over me. Under the snapshot there is a comment: 'Militiaman is trying to help the girl get up" Actually the militiaman grabbed my scarf and dragged me across square. Fortunately, the scarf was soft so I wasn't choked. I was in a state of shock such that I could not even move. I lay next to the police van along with other injured protesters. Militiamen were throwing people like mattresses into the police van.  One of militiaman lifted my head up and said to his colleague: 'It's a girl. Let her go'. And he shouted to me: 'Run!'. I thought that when he had beaten me with his club and shield he had not seen I was a girl. And now he suddenly spotted it.

How Euromaidan was violently devastated by militia (part 1 - videos) in November, 30

November, 30
Kyiv, Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square)

The protesters, waiting for provocation, came together around Independence Monument and began to sing national hymn. Activists shouted "without provocation," "We are peaceful action", "militia and people" Then militia began the mass slaughter.

Militia started to attack about one thousand people on Maidan Nezalezhnosti at 4:15 AM
Eyewitnesses reported that young people, including women, who stayed overnight, were beaten with clubs, dragged along the ground, kicked with boots by militiamen 'Berkut'.

This footage filmed by journalist Mustafa Nayyem. It shows how militiamen "Berkut' surrounded the monument of Independence, where people had gathered who had not managed to escape, and began furiously beating them with batons and kicking them. People were not even trying to resist.

Protesting people did not resist militiamen, they just were sleeping, sitting or standing together. The centre of Kyiv resembled a war zone. Eyewitnesses claim that heard the cries of women who were beaten by militiamen 'Berkut'. Escaping people were persecuted on the streets till St.Michael 's Cathedral. Those caught were placed in police vans. There were also reports that militia fired into the air

Militiamen 'Berkut' during and after their attack on Euromaidan caught and beat people even at a distance from Independence Square. This fact confirmed by recordings from cameras on Khreschatyk Street, 19A near to the metro station 'Khreschatyk'. This building is located about 400 meters from Independence Square.

Danish journalist Johannes Wamberg Andersen, who was near Independence Square on this night, shot the video, which displays militiamen 'Berkut' torturing some protesters, dragging them along the street, hitting them on the head, and kicking them even though people did not resist.

There are many victims. Almost all of the victims have broken heads as journalist of '5 TV Channel 5' was informed on the scene. Protesters were chased even after Euromaydan had been cleared of people. A significant portion of them took refuge in St. Michael's Cathedral.

Students' evidinences: 'There was brutal animal attack on peaceful students. They just beaten us up.'

Witnesses' evidence: 'They did not even listen, they just beat everyone. The militia behaved themselves like inhuman beings... They attacked us as a wall. They raced upstairs and started to beat everyone. And dragged each away one by one. They dragged me away too and hit my hand... We were just defending our rights, our country. We just stood on Maidan. Militiamen "Berkut' used force on us, they beat us, tortured...
Militiamen 'Berkut' did not let us go to the Emergency Ambulance...People did not resist them, they just came together around the monument. Militia attacked, dragged out everyone, women fell down. We just sang the national anthem. Militia just treaded down people. Four ambulances full of injured left just now. Those who were on stairs just disappeared.'

пʼятницю, 29 листопада 2013 р.

Reuters correspondent battered by 'Berkut' forces

November, 29
Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square)

Militiamen 'Berkut' blocked on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kiev. photojournalist 'Reuters' Gleb Garanych during skirmishes was fell down. As it became known later LB.ua, photographer and several people fell on pavement during movement of people from the roadway. At the moment Garanych was kicking with foots by militiamen. When Garanych tried to stop the assailant, several commandos of 'Berkut' began to beat him with batons . Garanych sees no point in going to report on militiamen because he do not believe that the real executirs of the attack would be punished.

This “hero” was identified thanks to Oleksandr Piddubnyi (Олександр Піддубний ) – his name is Antonov Yevhen Fedorovych, acting as a commanding officer of the 3rd company of Berkut (Kyiv), mobile phone.: 097-953-18-97. Born in Zhytomy region.
This is a fragment of a photo by Gleb Garanich, photoreporter for REUTERS, which shows unidentified at that moment senior lieutenant of the Kyiv Berkut.
That was him who started kicking Glib in the legs and camera, and the subordinates of this brave senior lieutenant broke Garanich’s head with truncheons after that.
Not to be forgotten that this senior lieutenant, a father of two children, was one of the people who conducted brutal attacks of students under the stele on euromaidan


MP Mykola Kniazhytsky wrote on his FB page:
This is my assistant. He was standing at the square peacefully on 29th November, when he was beaten by militiamen 'Berkut'


На Майдане Независимости в Киеве бойцы спецподразделения "Беркут" снова заблокировали машины с аудиоаппаратурой оппозиционных партий.
фотокорреспонденту агентства "Reuters" Глебу Гараничу в ходе стычки разбили голову. Как позже стало известно LB.ua, фотограф и еще несколько человек упали на асфальт во время вытеснения людей с проезжей части. В это время их начал бить ногами солдат внутренних войск. Когда Гаранич попытался задержать нападавшего, несколько спецназовцев из "Беркута" начали его бить дубинками. В итоге фотографу разбили головову, пришлось накладывать швы. Гаранич не видит смысла обращаться в милицию - не верит, что реальных виновников нападения накажут.



понеділок, 25 листопада 2013 р.

The bout on Euromaidan. Some people injured by militia

November, 25

European square activists and politicians detained vehicle, where found equipment for wiretapping.
In the assault involved Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Yuriy Lutsenko. They stated that some armed secret agents sit in the van and make
wiretapping. MP Knyazhytskyy posted in his Facebook photos for wiretapping techniques that have been found in the minivan.According to the leader of 'Batkivshchyna' parliamentary party Arseniy Yatsenyuk suffered several deputies as a result of collisions with militiamen 'Berkut'.


Возле Европейской площади активисты и политики задержали микроавтобус, в котором обнаружена аппаратура для прослушки.
В штурме участвовали Арсений Яценюк и Юрий Луценко. Они заявили, что в микроавтобусе сидят вооруженные правоохранители и ведут прослушивание.
Андрей Княжицкий выложил в своем Facebook фотографии техники для прослушки, которые были изъяты из микроавтобуса


Як заявив лідер фракції "Батьківщина" Арсеній Яценюк, внаслідок зіткнень з "Беркутом" постраждало кілька депутатів.


Seventh young guys were beaten and detained after meeting

November, 25

The young man was imposed brute physical force, they were thrown in dirty, beaten with batons and kicked with foots, says human rights activist.
During the battering militiamen said " You, bandery, will see Glory to Ukraine! We deliver you to the forest and beat you, "- told the BBC Ukraine one of the victims , Andrey Sliuz who is son of MP from parlamentary opposition According to him, around 13:30 they were brought to the hall of Pechersk district militia station, where they were beaten again. As Andrey Sliuz stated, militia major named Stolyar witnessed the beating detainees with their subordinates.
"On detention militiamen took our phones. ... I managed to hide mine and send sms MPs and we were  released only after intruding deputies" , - said Mr. Sliuz .
According to Andrey Sliuz , one of his friends was beaten so hard that he could not even carry out evidences.
"I called the ambulance, he was taken to the medical station on Laboratory alley.
But he was refused to registry his injurings, refuse to do x-ray of the chest and jaw. Militia chief of Pechersky department sent a group to make psychological pressure " - he says.


The lawyer Yuriy Martynenko also stressed that Pechersky militia department did not make ​​any protocol on law infringement or something else because there was no grounds.


Інцидент трапився у понеділок після обіду, розповів ВВС Україна адвокат Юрій Мартиненко.
Семеро молодих мешканців Львова віком 20-25 років поверталися на власному мікроавтобусі додому після того, як два дні тому приїхали до Києва, аби взяти участь у акціях протесту проти припинення підготовки до підписання Україною Угоди про асоціацію з ЄС.
Після того, як автобус зупинився біля одного з кафе на проспекті Перемоги, до нього під’їхали три автомобілі з тонованим склом, з котрих вискочили співробітники групи затримання спецпідрозділу міліції "Беркут".
До юнаків було застосовано грубу фізичну силу, їх кинули в калюжі й побили ногами та кийками, каже правозахисник.
"По дорозі нас били. Говорили: "Ви бандьори, ми вас за "Слава Україні!" завеземо до лісу і там мочити будемо", – розповів ВВС Україна один з постраждалих, Андрій Слюз, син депутатки парламенту від "Батьківщини" Тетяни Слюз і помічник-консультант депутата.
За його словами, близько 13:30 їх привезли до актового залу Печерського райвідділу міліції, де знову били.
При цьому він називає прізвище майора Столяра, який, за його словами, був свідком побиття затриманих своїми підлеглими.
"При затриманні у нас позабирали телефони. Мені вдалося заховати... і послати sms народним депутатам. Відпустили тільки після втручання народних депутатів", – розповів пан Слюз.
За словами Андрія Слюза, одного з його товаришів побили настільки важко, що з ним навіть не могли провести слідчі дії.
"Я викликав швидку допомогу, його доправили до державної медичної установи у Лабораторному провулку. Зараз йому відмовляються робити огляд і надавати медичну допомогу, відмовляються робити рентген грудної клітини і щелепи. Начальник райвідділу міліції направив туди групу, яка вчиняє на нього психологічний тиск", – каже він.


Он также подчеркнул, что Печерское РУМВД не составило по отношению к ним ни одного протокола об админправонарушениях или еще чего-то, потому что не было оснований.