субота, 15 лютого 2014 р.

Yaroslav Honchar: Now is not time to give up

 I , like many other citizens of Ukraine, decided to join Euromaidan after students beating by "Berkut"  - says Yaroslav Honchar  to 'Fakty'.
 - At first,  I just drove to Independence square food and water and when  I learned of Automaidan motion I realized that I can be useful there. Since midle of December I never missed an initiative not a single task of our movement. I transported people, delivered all that was needed for the protest support. And, of course , went to the rally on politicians and ministers homeplaces. Many times I went to Mezhihirya . Militia in revenge began to veer my family, scare my stepmother, who lives in Dnepropetrovsk, friends of my wife and our distant relatives . At the same time I did not hide from anyone, especially when I became assistant of MP Vladimir Yavorivsky . Every traffic inspector or militiaman "Berkut" , who threatens that they find me and I regret that were born, just gave my business card with the words : "I am open to discussion. Call ". In addition, Militia do not like that automaidan participants conduct an independent investigation of Tetyana Chornovol 's beating .

Of course, this does me some unpleasant consequances. While cleaning the car I found mounted "bugs" .
Well, attack on me on Bogatyrskaya street became the apotheosis of all.
My friend and I went to Mezhihirya where Vitali Klitschko just held peace talks with Yanukovych. And then I see that moves towards Kiev convoy of buses with militiamen. Of course, I immediately turned around 180 degrees and followed them. I Decided to count how many buses exactly  heading, to where exactly and warned Maidan about it. I caught up with the convoy, then slipped forward. At the same time bus drivers and escorts jeeps were very aggressive towards me. They made "wag" driving and signaling , requiring give way to them. I started to slow down the gas and was trying to detain them. The column began to slow down. I was surrounded . Two of the fifteen buses kept front and rear of my "Citroen" , two jeeps - on the side. I was trapped in a box.

Militiamen rushed from buses and jeeps. There were a cloud - dozens, if not hundreds . They all rushed to my car and started to smash it . Batons crashed glass and lights , the tires of my car was cut with militiamens knives. I closed my doors and buckled with belt. They tried to pull me out, but failed. "Berkut" turns beating me with batons and fists but fortunately could not swing wide. My friend was not so lucky. He was not wearing a seat belt and militiamen broke down the passenger door and began to pull him out of the car . At the same time they used tear gas against us. I lost my consciousness ...
As it turned out later, my friend was thrown to the ground and battered with the whole crowd . They beat him with foots and clubs. Miraculously he managed to break free and escaped.

When I came to myself, "Berkut" finished distraction of my car and left. I started to call my friend. He did not answer immediately, but still managed to do it and said that he is in the bush, three hundred meters from the place of slaughter. Probably he ran there in a state of shock, because when I found him, he almost could not walk. We called an emergency ambulance, reported the incident to your friends. My friend was taken home by relatives in Transcarpathia. He was in heavy bad conditions. I am still in the hospital emergency room, but in the near future I hope to move to a private clinic.  I may need more serious medical care: my right hand hanging whip and I do not feel it. My car can not be repaired . Also I hired a lawyer and I'm going to bring to the Court militiamen who beat me on the road . I have enough evidences of guilt them: I have DVR in my car. Although I aware that they make every effort to stop me terrorizing my family and friends.
But I'm not going to give up. Now is not time to give up.

Daria Horska for 'Fakty'

On February 7, in response to the activist's claim about the assault of his car and him Interior Ministery  stated that no 'Berkut' had been present on Bohatyrska street in the evening of January 19.
But the video of DVR from smashed car speaks by itself...

середа, 12 лютого 2014 р.

About Ukrainian militia 's tortures: they cut victim 's hair and shoved it into his mouth

Editor of SuperBike magazine in Ukraine Igor Kobzar is in the hospital jailed box. He sentenced for two months of pre-trial detention.
Igor Kobzar 's girlfriend  Anastasia told 'Fakty' what happened with the journalist.
This is what Anastasia said: 
"Igor and his friend Andrey Shmyndyuk traveled a lot around the city, they were talking, taking pictures and then coming home on that day.
Then they noticed cars standing in disarray, many of which were on  emergency stop on Shchorsa street. Deciding that road accident happened, the guys stopped to ask if there needs any help. Then in Kiev due to icing and poor visibility might be a lot of accidents  because of severe weather conditions on such nights. So help to other drivers or just passersby could possibly save someone's life.
But in a few minutes they were the ones who already need help ...

There rained blows, windshield and side windows splinters flew inside of the car with guys. Then tear gas "Teren" went into their car.
Igor said that further resembled as horror movie: bloody mist, blows and pain ... That's how militia 'Berkut' worked: without charge,  without questioning. Later we learned that 'Berkut' set a special trap for automaidan activists.

Anastasia cites a letter received from Igor : "I was thrown into a bus. Below me someone already laid. Militiamen were beating, kicking us... I got few strong strokes into my head. My left eye instantly flooded with my blood and the bloody puddle began to form around. There was a guy with no signs of consciousness nearby me. Militiaman raised his head and put the mouthguard in his mouth, another militiaman holded guy for his shoulders . Someone from militiamen shouted: "Come on, boxer". Then unconscious guy was twicely hitted in his face. Then militiamen stroke me in my head, cutted off part of my hair, put it into my mouth and by moving my jaw began to imitate the process of chewing ... ".

Doctors strongly recommend hospitalized detainees, but firstly militia refused it. Apparently they needed time to prepare report.  In total, Igor was brutally beaten without medical care for 11 hours Then they were all taken to the hospital jailed box, where investigators came to. They charged guys  with "organizing mass disorder", " bullying", "resisting to arrest " and what it most unexpected - in "grievous bodily harm to militiaman" Judgment was still the theater of absurd. The only evidence for the prosecution were the words of "Berkut".employees. Evidences for defense were not taken into account , as well as the obvious discrepancy between the time and place of the incident.
On the trial it became clear that defendants have the proofs of their innocence: photos, video from surveillance cameras located on the neighboring houses, witnesses ... The Court showed no interest to them. In addition, during the investigation there were violations of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: not conducted forensic medical examination (motion served twice), a criminal case fro heavy injuries of defendants was not raised (application was timely filed to militia department).
That's the way Igor and Andrey sentenced.
Now after closed head injury Igor 's sight falls...


Iryna Golotyuk for 'Fakty'


How Ukrainian Militia 'Berkut' Attacked Red Cross Station and Medical Volunteers

January, 22
Coordinator of Euromaidan Medical Service Team Oleh Musiy gave a short interview to journalist Dmytro Tuzov:

- What is the situation with wounded and dead people?
- This is a difficult situation, because the wounded refused to go to public health care hospitals. They refused public care hospitalization because the authorities are brutally interfering in the activities of the medical services by interrogating injured people who need to be cured. Moreover, unknown people are kidnapping the injured and wounded. So that is why medical service including surgical care has been deployed in the house of Trade Unions, in Kyiv's Rada, and in October Palace.

- About those killed?
- There have been four protestors killed as reported by our medical service. I think that this number could be higher. There is a medical center which was located outside Hrushevskogo and provided medical care.  Two people killed by gunshot wounds were brought there about 6 and 8 AM. One was wounded in his neck and chest and another was shot directly in the heart. The first one has already been identified, the second not yet. State forensic experts and militia came and took their bodies to the forensic station to do an autopsy. Just an hour later an attack began on the medical aid station on Hrushevskogo Street. Thank God, the doctors had time to leave the station. It happened at a time when our mobile medical teams were bringing two heavily wounded gunshot victims to the medical station, who look like they’re dead. Unfortunately, medical volunteers had to leave those wounded to save their own lives. The wounded were unconscious and they were left on the Berkut occupied battlefield. Some Ustreams showed how militiamen dragged the unconscious bodies to their side...

- Are there any wounded medical volunteers?
- Today only one with a concussion from a stun grenade. Today, we don't have medical volunteers with bullet wounds. But yesterday and the day before yesterday we had three doctors wounded by rubber bullets. Also we have the very terrible case of a medical volunteer who was wearing clothing with a big Red Cross on his back and providing medical care to the injured.  The "Berkut' made three gunshots into the Red Cross on the back of the volunteer. This event is a brutal violation of the Geneva Convention. Thank God, these were just rubber bullets ... Another doctor wearing a white helmet and in a T-shirt was shot in the nose. He had a broken nose and huge hematoma around the eyes.
In another case, a medical volunteer tried to provide medical aid to an injured militiaman who lay writhing in pain. When the volunteer went from the barricade to the militiaman there was no one for 20 meters around. Yet, even so, in flew two grenades.
The first grenade grenade exploded at his feet and wounded them. And the second blew up and damaged his face and hands. That 's for just trying to give help. These events are about doctors, who were directly from our medical service and suffered from Berkut's attacks.

Jan, 22. Red Cross Station on Hrushevskogo, 4

Jan 22. 'Dzerkalo Tyzhnya' reported:
Militia 'Berkut' overran a clinic on January, 22 during their second attack. The clinic was organized by physicians on Hrushevskogo Street to give medical help for victims during street confrontations.  The 'Berkut' broke windows and threw inside stun grenades. According to eyewitnesses, Militia 'Berkut' took the Red Cross flag with them saying that it is their trophy.  

An eyewitness to the event said:
'When they broke in I could not understand what was happening. I just heard explosions, saw gas, and then they yelled and came in...'

0:34 video of 5 TV channel

Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Council for Patients’ Rights and Safety, Evgen Najshetetyk, stated: “In the last couple days we’ve received information about more than 20 people that work for the Red Cross being beaten up”. He says the medical workers were beaten up by Berkut [riot police]. He also notes medical volunteers are always under attacks using traumatic and gas weapons. “Now they have to work in body armor and shields. Different sources talk about more than 500 qualified medical workers helping out in medical volunteer squads and in the Maidan medical service. More than one third of them reported different injuries received from the security forces” – summed up the representative of the charity organization. We remind you that yesterday All-Ukrainian Union’s “Svoboda” press service announced that special service “Berkut” fighters destroyed a medical post of protesters on the first floor of the National Academy of Sciences on Hrushevskoho St in Kyiv. Six fighters walked into the Red Cross building where there were medical workers and wounded people, and started to break windows, throw stun grenades and use tear gas. http://euromaidan.rbc.ua/ukr/v-rezultate-stolknoveniy-na-grushevskogo-postradali-bolee-23012014103300

Journalist Volodymir Tyshchenko posted a video on Youtube just after this attack.

“Medical workers had to escape, leaving all their medicine and drugs behind. When a Berkut agent walked into the building he shot one of the volunteers who was trying to help one of the patients out. The Berkut agent fired in spite of the fact that the medical volunteer wore a red vest with the Red Cross symbol and he showed his ID. The injured volunteer told us he was shot on purpose: “At the beginning he was aiming at my face, however, he lowered his weapon and shot my leg. Of course, later on they can say it was an accident. But he was looking into my eyes. It was done on purpose”. The medical volunteer commented that Berkut doesn’t care about the humanitarian and protective mission of the Red Cross and consider everyone criminals – medical workers, journalists, and ordinary people”, – wrote Tyshchenko. Now the medical workers are forced to give first aid in the Trade Union house, which is several hundred meters away from the battleground.

This is a video of UkrStream.TV where can be seen a 'Berkut' fighter was aiming and shooting at a Red Cross volunteer during the confrontation on Hrushevskogo. The doctor repeatedly shouted about his status and showed his documents but militiaman raised his shotgun and shot the medic's leg.


Medical volunteer Alexey Tutov 's story

Photographer of LB made these photos. We can see as militiaman 'Berkut' aims at the medic (his name Alexey Tutov and he was detained and jailed after the event) in these photos. He really did not shoot because militiaman was distracted by another activist, who at that time threw stone at him. The militiaman ran after the activist, leaving the physician on his knees.


RT TV channel recorded this event of Alexey Tutov 's detention from another point of view:
1:05 - 1:54

TBi TV channel reported:
During the confrontation in Kiev on January, 22 militia shot medical volunteers, smashed the medical station which had a Red Cross ID, detained and beat medical volunteer Aleksiy Tutov.

Coordinator Euromaidan Medical Service Team Dr of Medicine Olga Bohomolets said:
- It was the general practice that experienced doctors did not risk getting shot by bullets because doctors were inside sewing up wounds. But the volunteers, who just have special training, are the people who are coming under fire and risking their lives by pulling out the wounded.

A Crimean inhabitant of Kerch Aleksiy Tutov became the first physician who was taken prisoner by militiamen 'Berkut'. The 26 -year-old volunteer endured injuries while providing medical assistance to victims during the clashes on January, 22. He risked his life by coming under fire from bullets, explosions and rocks.
Here's an exclusive video filmed by TV team "Znak Oklyku". Militiamen 'Berkut' captured and led to their side Aleksiy Tutov after their morning attack. The T-shirt with a red cross that Aleksiy wore was evidently ignored by militia. Along the way they beat him. This video is irrefutable proof that the man is a volunteer for a medical team and not a member of the riots.
4:08 - 4:30

Coordinator of Euromaidan Medical Service Team Oleh Musiy said:
- In fact, there is not only video but also a number of documents that Aleksiy Tutov was detained while part of a medical outfit. I personally testify in front of cameras that he is a volunteer of the medical service, and he worked, and he was directly near barricades as a volunteer of medical service on January 22.
Medical Team Service of National Resistance demands on immediate release from jail of Aleksiy Tutov and objects to the persecution of volunteers who were providing medical care on Hrushevskogo Street.

The Kyiv Court of Appeals was considering a complaint by volunteer medical mobile teams, who in contrary to international law and Geneva Convention were detained by militia 'Berkut' while providing medical care to victims at the barricades. During the trial filming was banned by Court. Aleksiy Tutov by Court's of First Instance decision was sentenced to two months in jail as a preventative measure. The Appeal Court dismissed him from custody and put him under home arrest.
Natalie Lisnevska, who is a lawyer for the volunteer, said:
- He was released to home arrest, during which he’s supposed to stay in Kerch. This is partial home arrest: From 19:00 to the morning he is required to be at home, the other times he can work.

TV team "Znak Oklyku" met with the physician-prisoner under the walls of Lukianivka jail.
Aleksiy Tutov said:
- I was brought to jail. I've been here since the 24th. And today I went out into the air of freedom. I was released on home arrest. I have to return to Kerch.
Alex recalls how he fell into the hands of 'Berkut'. He says militiamen intentionally hunt doctors because only the blind could not see his white shirt with a red cross.
- One militiamen said to another: grab him... They led me to the police van, tore off my T-shirt with Red Cross. And then started to beat me like an old carpet ... They took all my things and smashed my phone.
- They knew that you are a medic volunteer?
- Naturally. I was in a white shirt with a Red Cross and 'medical care' label on it. They just tore off the T-shirt and left only a white collar on my neck.
Alex says: Lukyanivka, Kyiv's notorious prison, is packed with Euromaidan activists like herring in a jar. But all of them are scattered to different cells and kept separated.

Alex returned to his hometown for two months with his numerous bruises and chemical burns. Then he will again stand before the Court. Aleksiy Tutov needs to prove to people in black robes that he is a medical volunteer and not an extremist. Will it see the blind and deaf Ukrainian Themis?

By TV team "Znak Oklyku"

середа, 5 лютого 2014 р.

People were killed at Kyiv 's barricades by Berkut

So now the puzzle of three murders of activists Michael Zhiznevsky, Sergei Nigoyanon and Roman Senyk on Kyiv's barricades is opened. As expected, they were killed by bullets fired by the militia 'Berkut' Firstly I made a mistake assuming that the 'Berkut' used hunting bullets. That's not completely right. 'Berkut' was shooting at people with large special lethal bullets with carbide core designed to stop cars by breaking and destroying the engine.
And now I'm going to prove it.

Let me give some background: On the 22nd of January, following an militia special forces of Ukraine "Berkut" attack on the barricades on Hrushevskogo street in the center of Kyiv the bodies of two victims with gunshot wounds were found: Michael Zhiznevsky and Sergei Nigoyan. Later it was reported that another person with gunshot wounds by name Roman Senyk was delivered to a hospital in critical condition. He had an amputated arm and had lost about three liters of blood.  He had several operations but the doctors could not to save his life and three days later he died. The ammunition which killed Sergei Nigoyan was identified at once. It was a 9 gram lead pellet from a shotgun shell which was removed from his body. It's clear.


The case of Michael Zhiznevsky's murder is harder because the bullet that pierced through him was never found. It was definitely not a sniper bullet because the entry hole is too big for a bullet's hole from a large-caliber sniper rifle 12.7 mm.

Then, after an attack by Berkut, an impression of a bullet impacting a metal frame at a cafe on the street was found. The impression is similar to the configuration of the rubber bullets used by militia, but of a lesser length although with the same caliber. The bullet flew from the militia's side.

Comparing these facts I came to the conclusion that militiamen 'Berkut' instead of traumatic (rubber or plastic) ammunition began to use hunting ammunition – the front track of the impression found on the frame at the caf? perfectly matches with the coil-type piercing brass 12 caliber bullet designed for hunting large animals and inflicted heavy damage .

But it turned out to be as follows.
Back in 2009, at an arms fair, special ammo was demonstrated at the booth of the MIA (Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Ukraine. Capable of penetrating a fourth grade protective vest or 5 mm sheet steel. The bullet was of the same coil type, namely, twelve-gauge. What is important – it has a special hard core, with an arrowhead protruding from the body of the bullet. This is an important distinction to remember. It was developed by Ukrainian state plant 'Spetstechnika' of the Ministry of Interior.

[Special 12 gauge ammo is designed to forcefully stop vehicles by damaging components and mechanisms. The ammo should be used with a 12-caliber rifle with a chamber not less than 70 mm long (Fort-500 or equivalent). The ammo consists of a swept bullet with carbide arrowhead core placed in a plastic container. Firing a bullet at the engine block of a vehicle causes damage which leads to the vehicle stopping.]
[Special 12 gauge ammo is designed to break locks and hinges on doors when shot from a distance of a few centimeters. The ammo should be used with a 12-caliber rifle with a chamber not less than 70 mm long (Fort-500 or equivalent). When fired at an angle of 30-45 degrees to a wooden door panel, the ballistic point effectively destroys the lock, hinges and door panel, while the bullet collapses into dust and does not cause any blockage.]

Every subsequent exhibition in Kyiv at the stand of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine one could see the same showpieces. Here are photos from the exhibition "Arms and security" in 2012 in Kyiv at the stand of the Ministry of Interior of Ukraine. Notice that it was shown together with the 'Fort-500' rifle which Ukrainian militia used against protestors on Hrushevskogo Street in January 2014.

[5] [6]

If the bullet that killed Michael Zhiznevsky could not be found, the bullet from the body of Roman Senyk was extracted and it has the same reel with 12-th of caliber. Here is the photo X-ray taken during the operation

Due to an unfortunate camera angle it was firstly identified as a bullet Blondeau (so named after the creator) or any of the other hunting bullets of coil type - Rubeykina, Buble, etc.

But then there was a photo from a different angle, where there is a clearly visible arrowhead from the carbide core. That is not a hunting bullet but a military bullet. Furthermore, it is special purpose ammunition.

I contacted the person who published the pictures on the net (he asked not to be named and to not name the person who took the pictures) who confirmed that the photo was made by a member of the surgical team, who tried to save Roman Senyk and whose own hand withdrew from Roman's body a bullet - and this is exactly the bullet which was photographed immediately after Roman's surgery on the handling table of the nurse.

Next step. On the net is a picture of the same type of bullet which was found the 22-th of January at Hrushevskogo Street after an attack of "Berkut". Here it is.

I stated that bullet's track found on the metal frame at the cafe was made by this bullet. Not the same but namely with this one. This is evident by the damages which were left on the bullet and on the table. The bullet struck at a forty-five degree angle by its head and that's is why it is the most flattened head portion and that's why the trail at the front has a trapezoidal shape and then the whole body and tail.

As you can see, this is the type of ammunition that was demonstrated at the exhibition. And the bullet just came from the other side, from which militiamen 'Berkut' came and shot from guns. And you can see that it is the type of ammunition which was extracted from the body of Roman Senyk.

Next. Michael Zhiznevsky was shot through his chest almost in front but the bullet came out of the back below the entry level. Accordingly the shot was from above.
Bullet extracted from the body of Roman Senyk also entered him in the shoulder at an angle on top of the front of his body and slightly to the right, as seen clearly from the photo of bullet's entry, and shattered his arm and stuck in his lung. So at least in two cases out of three shots were from above.

Street Hrushevskogo is on a hill. In the downhill direction are the protesters, uphill - the militia.

Moreover, on the left in the view from the protesters' side is Mariinsky park, which is where militia Berkut are stationed and where they take position in the cover of the burnt screen and are often shooting and it is located just on the hill

Nigoyan's body was found close to the stadium "Dynamo" so Berkut was on right from him and the shotgun shell came from there. Otherwise the wound to his head could not possibly have happened.

(photo Reuters)

If we take as a starting point the specifications of Blondeau bullets, for which the weight for 12 caliber is more than 30 grams, it can be assumed that the weight of the Ukrainian bullet for special use is about the same. Accordingly the powder charge should be stronger than in the case of a rubber bullet. The blow-back for a special bullet must be very strong. That is exactly we can see in the video

0:55-1:05 - the blow-back from traumatic bullets' shots
1:35 - the blow-back from metal bullet's shot

I do not know what this soldier was shooting, but it clearly was not a rubber bullet. Perhaps here we actually see the time of the murder of one of the three activists.

So we have a logical question: why would militia use hunting cartridges and car stopping bullets instead of making a request to the snipers who surely were planted on the roofs in the government quarter, who were already seen in the previous events, and who were just waiting for the command to open fire?


Who could give such an order to apply non-standard ammunition? And why?
The answer lies in the fact that no order had been given. We are dealing with pure abuse of authority.  Sincere speaking with "Berkut" shooters is impossible, they shoot at anything that moves in their direction. By analyzing video of them, the beating and sadistic humiliation of the people they've overpowered, the way they behave and what they say when it is possible to approach them for a short distance, I see that these people do not just take orders, they hate protesters. For what? I do not know. But one of the shooters shouted to another who tried to prevent him from shooting a man: "Get away! Who are you protecting?. So they see in the protesters something different. Nazis, Bandera followers or agents of the State Department, traitors - I do not know what they

were told and brainwashed. Clearly stones and Molotov cocktails do not add friendliness between protestors and militia too.

It’s known that the use of weapons by each of the security forces is strictly regulated. It should only be used under specific circumstances and for a specific category of persons. But here on Hrushevskogo Street we could see in numerous cases how the "Berkut" strapped shrapnel with scotch tape to stun grenades for using against protestors and which caused them heavy damage.

Moreover, "Berkut" militiamen also used stones and Molotov cocktails against protestors.

photo: Yuriy Kirnichny AFP


There is much evidence of torture of captive protestors with heavy battering and humiliation of them by 'Berkut'. All these facts say clearly that authorities lost full control of their Special Forces. And that's why protests in Ukraine have turned bloody.

translated from articles of
Arkady Babchenko .


video by TBi channel
video by TBi channel
video by Radio Svoboda

video by Artem Shevchenko TBi channel
video by espreso TV
video by espreso TV
video by Radio Svoboda

Interior Minister Zakharchenko and Investigation Department said that the weapon and ammunition which killed Nigoyan, Zhiznevsky and Senyk do not belong to militia forces. This is not true.

In April 10, 2012 the Interior Ministry signed contracts for the purchase of 10,500 cartridges of special 12 caliber bullets for the destruction of car engines. For 27 UAH per cartridge.

In November 26, 2013 the Interior Ministry signed contracts for the purchase of 6,730 cartridges of special 12 caliber bullets for the destruction of car engines with the same characteristics as in 2012 but at 42 UAH per cartridge. Bidder's production (12 caliber ammo for destruction car engines) must be adopted by order of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine or by the protocol of IM Commission and meet the following technical requirements:
1. Cartridges are designed for firing with shotgun. Weight of bullet from 30 to 40 gram
2. Shell material - brass
3. Core material - steel
4. 12 caliber cartridge
5. Effective range of use from 10 to 15 meters
6. Length of cartridge - 70 mm
7. Piercing thickness of steel sheet - 5 mm for ensuring destruction of car engine
8. Speed of a bullet (at a distance of 5 m from the muzzle of the barrel) -
from 380 to 450 m/s

Volodymyr Lyuty
'Our money' (Nashi Hroshi)